
Cards and castles deck size
Cards and castles deck size

Quests have improved, too, because the extra life gives them the extra time needed to get their reward online more regularly and the best card in the deck always starts in hand. Quest Hunter is potentially the best deck on ladder. Not everyone will be delighted to see Quest decks, which have been around since the start of last year, get another bump in power. Renathal Big Beast Hunter isn't quite as cheesy, but it takes advantage of cards like Selective Breeder, Pet Collector, and the Dredge mechanic to remain remarkably consistent. The chances are high that you'll also find a game-ending Kazakusan. (To add further redundancy, Jerry-Rig Carpenter can be used to guarantee you find Capture Coldtooth Mine.) You then play Prestor as quickly as you can, turning all the cheap minions you've included to shore up your early game into dragons that often have powerful effects. The plan is as simple as it is gimmicky: You're guaranteed to draw Lady Prestor when you play Capture Coldtooth Mine. Prestor Druid is a great example of tutor-based strategy. That means Renathal synergises well with two other notable types of cards: 'Tutors' and 'Quests'. So where does Renathal really shine? The answer seems to be in proactive decks that would usually have weak defensive options and also have ways to consistently find specific mid-game cards they really need. In fact, it turns out Renathal decks are often favored against control decks that want to remove all their stuff… because they have more stuff to start with.

cards and castles deck size

Holy Paladin wants to draw Lightforged Cariel, its OP hero card, so much that finding it matters way more than the life bump.

cards and castles deck size

The logic being that the 10 extra health naturally suits decks that are looking to go long.

cards and castles deck size

Initial community reaction to Renathal, and what have been dubbed XL-sized decks, centered on the idea that slower 'control' strategies were going to finally be more viable. (Image credit: Blizzard) Taking back control One of my favorite things I've seen online is somebody who had posted 'Oh, I've been playing a Renathal demon hunter deck, and my win rate has dropped 5%, but it's so fun and I'm gonna keep playing it.' I love that."įinding Cariel matters more than any amount of extra starting health in Holy Paladin. Instead they draw the 31st card they put in there. Like, you can play aggro decks and still chew through 40 Health of your opponent because they're not drawing that Brawl that they needed on turn five. Leo: "I think the most important thing is that this one single card is creating so many new decks and promoting gameplay that people really like the debate over whether he's good or bad. It keeps people wanting to play, and they keep coming across new decks that are having crazy success with, like Lady Prestor Druid." You still see players on both sides of the equation, going from 'this is broken' to 'this is not very good', and I think that's the best outcome that we could have hoped for. Its functionality has clearly had a seismic effect on deck construction that won't be figured out overnight, and the designers view that as a big positive so far.Ĭora: "Surprisingly, I will say, I think that this is maybe the longest time I've ever seen it take for the players to come to a general consensus about a card. The card has been tried in many existing decks and brand new strategies. According to data tracking site HSReplay, Renathal is in 49% of all decks from Diamond to Legend rank since release. This might be the longest time I've seen it take for the players to come to a general consensus about a card. We felt the set needed just one more card that had some punch, and this was where we wanted to do it. "We really wanted Prince Renathal to be this card that breaks rules a little bit. "I think as Hearthstone has been around longer, and as a lot of us on the team have more experience working on the game, we just feel a little bit bolder at taking risks," Georgiou said. We recently spoke to Georgiou, who was the lead on Murder at Castle Nathria, as well asinitial designer Leo Robles, to ask them about why now was the time to experiment with player starting health totals, which are such a core part of the game's balance. Prestor Druid works because you're almost guaranteed to draw her on curve, despite the larger deck size.

Cards and castles deck size